Latin American Society for Biomaterials and Artificial Organs (SLABO)

The Latin American Society of Biomaterials and Artificial Organs (SLABO) was founded on December 13, 1998, as a non-profit civil society that brings together professionals linked to research, development, testing, and use of biomaterials and artificial organs in different clinical applications. Its relationship with founding partners include the names of leading Brazilian researchers and clinical professionals in biological and technological areas, working in the field of Engineering, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Biology, Veterinary and Chemistry associated with biomaterials and artificial organs, as well as numerous representatives from Latin American countries, the United States and Canada and even European countries.


Professor Carlos Roberto


Grandini FBSE

Physics Department

UNESP – Unv Estadual Paulista, Av. Eng. Luiz Edmundo Carrijo Coube, 14-01, 17033-360, Bauru, SP, Brazil



Prof. Ana Paula Rosifini Alves Claro


UNESP - Univ Estadual Paulista

Av Ariberto Pereira da Cunha, 333, 12516-410 - Guaratingueta, SP, Brazil


Prof. Marcus Vinicius Lia Fook
Federal University of Campina Grande

Science and Technology Center
Academic Unit of Materials Engineering
58429900-Campina Grande, PB-Brazil


Eliana Cristina da Silva Rigo


University of São Paulo

Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engineering
Department of Basic Sciences
13635-900-Pirassununga, SP-Brazil
