Weekly Conference on Biomaterials and Pharmaceutic

 2020-6-27    IUSBSE

Weekly Conference on Biomaterials and Pharmaceutic

2020-06-24 11:59:02 by Todd Hoare


The Canadian Society of Biomaterials and the Student Chapters of Quebec and Montreal are pleased to invite you to: "Weekly Conference on Biomaterials in Pharmaceutics". The fourth part of the conference will be presented by Professors Xavier Banquy and Nicolas Bertrand, Associate Professors - Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Montreal and Laval University, respectively.

For more information, please see our flyer!

DATE: June 26, 2020
TIME: 1:30 p.m. EDT

You can join this session at the following Zoom link:


Thank you, we hope you join us!

The executive committee of the CBS Quebec City and Montreal Chapters.