37th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Biomaterials Society (2022)
37th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Biomaterials Society
The Canadian Biomaterials Society is a non-profit organization that was established in 1973 and is a member of the international community of biomaterials societies as represented by the International Union of Societies of Biomaterials Science and Engineering (IUS-BSE). It is committed to advancing biomaterials research, education, and technological innovation.
The CBS will be hosting its 37th Annual Meeting in Banff, Alberta from Wed. May 25th to Fri. May 27th, 2022. The conference aims at bringing together faculty members, students, and companies sharing a common interest in the field of biomaterials. It provides a wonderful opportunity for the participants to communicate and discuss their research and network with colleagues.
This year, the major highlights include plenary speaker talks by Prof. Jennifer Elisseeff, Prof. William Wagner, and Prof. Eben Alsberg. We are also excited to host the various poster and oral presentations featuring our trainees from across Canada. There will also be engaging activities for all the participants!
Key dates
21 Jan 2022 Registration opens
18 Feb 2022 Abstract submission deadline
15 Mar 2022 Early bird registration deadline
18 Feb to 31 Mar 2022 Poster abstract only submission period
For more information, please visit: https://biomaterials.ca/#!/meeting/1-annual-biomaterials-conference/56